Cardinal Capital Management aims to produce superior risk-adjusted investment returns for clients by constructing and managing highly customized and diversified portfolios of carefully selected individual securities.
Founded in 1992, Cardinal Capital Management is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor with expertise in individual equity and fixed-income portfolios. As fiduciaries, we are legally and morally obligated to always put our clients’ interests first. This commitment, which is not just a legal obligation but a core value, ensures that our clients’ needs and goals are always our top priority. Cardinal Capital Management, Inc. claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®).¹ Cardinal Capital Management, Inc. has been independently verified for the periods 4/1/1992 through 12/31/2024.
By contacting us, prospective clients can obtain GIPS-compliant performance information for our firm’s strategies and products.
The firm’s competitive advantages, which we take great pride in, include its experienced team of investment professionals, a long-term investment track record, and a disciplined investment methodology. Our methodology, which is the result of years of experience and rigorous research, is founded on risk control, consistency, and bottom-up analysis, and we avoid market timing.
Cardinal Capital believes the stock market provides opportunities for astute investors to achieve rates of return superior to those offered by market indices while taking less than market risk. Central to this belief are academic studies and successful professional experience using value approaches that have historically produced superior absolute and risk-adjusted rates of return. We emphasize consistency in our investment approach. We seek to maintain superior performance results for our four portfolios while maintaining bottom decile rankings in risk as measured by beta. Although we strive for superior returns, our priority is that our actions produce consistency, protection of capital, and superior performance in volatile markets.
We apply a value-oriented approach predicated on selecting individual stocks for investment. Cardinal Capital’s objective is to construct portfolios comprising high-quality companies that are well-diversified by the industry sector and have lower volatilities relative to the market to generate attractive returns over time. We have a long-term investment perspective that improves risk control, minimizes trading costs and taxes (long-term capital gains), and enhances overall performance results.
Our investment process is entirely bottom-up. We begin with Cardinal Capital’s proprietary statistical model, which is systematic and unbiased in identifying stocks trading at significant discounts or premiums to their normal price-value relationships. We use portfolio weightings to avoid concentration risk. We do not believe in the predictive ability required to correctly time markets, so we keep portfolios fully invested in attractively priced assets.
We offer four portfolios: (i) US large cap equities, (ii) non-US equities, (iii) US small cap equities, and (iv) a balanced portfolio comprised of US large cap equities and individual bonds. These distinct portfolios enable Cardinal Capital’s clients to diversify their assets fully.
1.GIPS® is a registered trademark of the CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.